Anxiety Test Online

Understand your anxiety control capacity


Anxiety Control is the activation of the fight-flight reflex in response to physical, emotional, or social threats.

You will be asked a series of questions about your feelings and thoughts over the past week. The questions focus on autonomic nervous system activity (e.g. experiencing a racing heart or sweaty palms in everyday situations), and thoughts of worry or fear.

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Anxiety Control Test

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If possible try to complete it in one sitting, but more importantly try to give it your full focus as you take it, to get the most accurate results on the other side.

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How Does This Help Me?

Total Brain, a SonderMind company, offers clinically-validated, mental health assessments like this so you can stay on top of your mental well-being. 


What does a high score mean?

People who score high for Anxiety Control are not currently experiencing aspects of anxiety that are difficult to control, such as feeling scared without obvious reason or having worry thoughts that are difficult to ignore.


What does a low score mean?

People with low scores for Anxiety Control are experiencing some level of anxiety, such as feeling scared without an obvious reason or having worry thoughts that are difficult to ignore. They may also experience physical anxiety responses such as a racing heart, sweaty palms, trembling or shortness of breath, in situations that would not typically cause these reactions in most people.

Talk to a Therapist Who Specializes in Anxiety


Anxiety is a serious mental health condition that can affect your day-to-day life. While many things can trigger anxiety, it’s also a common and manageable condition. With SonderMind, find personalized care that’s best for you, virtually or in-person. Have an appointment within one week with an expert in treating anxiety, use your insurance, and get support that’s proven to work.

meet with a therapist

Expert Insights about Anxiety

This is the face of anxiety

A common condition. A unique story. Join the conversation and share yours.

Tools and Resources To Make Managing Anxiety Easier During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Learn how to combat anxiety and how to manage it in the long term.

How To Tackle Your Anxiety Disorder

Train your brain to help tackle anxiety and increase your mental wellness.

Take Another Online Mental Health Test

Browse all of our clinically-proven tests below. These online mental health assessments help you learn about your brain capacities, shed light on your mental strengths and weaknesses, and uncover any issues that may be affecting your mental well-being. Understanding the nature of these problems can help you determine how best to improve your overall mental health.

Ready to take the next step in your mental health journey? With SonderMind, find personalized care with a licensed therapist who gets you and specializes in what you’re going through.

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Please note: The assessments on this site are not intended to diagnose, treat, or assess any disease.

What You Need to Know About Anxiety


Anxiety can be defined as a feeling of uneasiness, worry, or fear. It may also include physical symptoms such as sweating and trembling. Anxiety disorders are mental illnesses that cause excessive feelings of anxiety in the sufferer. There are many different types of anxiety disorder including: generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), panic attacks, Social phobia, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Anxiety Is Widespread

Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health problem in America. They affect more than 40 million people, or about 18 percent of all Americans at some point during their lives. About half of all people with anxiety disorders will have a second diagnosis including depression or substance abuse at some point in their lives. Children who grow up in poverty may be more likely to develop these problems than those from middle-class families. Anxiety can be a symptom of other conditions such as depression and substance abuse, but it is also caused by many factors that may not have anything to do with your mood.


Anxiety Is Higher Among Women

The Total Brain Mental Health Index shows that anxiety significantly decreased 20% in women but only 10% in men, whose COVID-related spike was also much smaller to begin with. Just like with stres, women continue to have a higher level of anxiety level than men – compared to February, only women’s anxiety levels remain elevated with 23% more anxiety today than February.

Anxiety is a normal part of life. It can be caused by many things, including:

  • * Being afraid or worried about something that might happen in the future.
  • * Having an unpleasant feeling when you are not sure what it means.
  • * Feeling nervous and tense for no reason at all.
  • * Worrying too much about everyday problems such as money worries, family issues, etc.

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