Focus Test

Understand your capacity to focus on a task for an extended period of time


Focus is the capacity to sustain attention without being distracted and is associated with being able to complete tasks.

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Focus Test

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If possible try to complete it in one sitting, but more importantly try to give it your full focus as you take it, to get the most accurate results on the other side.

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How Does This Help Me?

Total Brain, a SonderMind company, offers clinically-validated, mental health assessments like this so you can stay on top of your mental well-being.


What does a high score mean?

People who score highly for Focus are good at sustaining attention over long periods of time to complete a task, even if the task is tedious and repetitive, or mentally strenuous. They are good at controlling what they pay attention to, and are skilled at being able to ignore distractions to instead attend to the task at hand. Because they are able to maintain focus and discipline, they are also more likely to complete things that they start.


What does a low score mean?

People with low scores for Focus may find it difficult to control what they pay attention to. Long or repetitive tasks may be more challenging for them than for others. They are more likely to get distracted several times while completing a task, and it may take a short while for them to realize they have been distracted and need to bring their attention back to the task at hand.

Talk to a Therapist Who Specializes in Mental Focus


From stress to insomnia to work-life balance, therapy is a proven way to help you improve your mental focus and lead a more fulfilling life. With SonderMind, find personalized care that’s best for you, virtually or in-person. Have an appointment within one week with an expert in building mental focus, use your insurance, and get support that’s proven to work.

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Expert Insights about Focus

3 Tips To Achieve the Focus of a U.S. Marine

Achieve the focus and discipline of a U.S. Marine with three fundamental tips.

Improve Focus With a Focus Pathway

Learn how to improve your focus at work and at home using the Focus Pathway.

Your Questions Answered: 5 Brain Based Ways To Improve Employee Focus

Learn how sleep, food, and mindset work together to improve productivity.

Take Another Online Mental Health Test

Browse all of our clinically-proven tests below. These online mental health assessments help you learn about your brain capacities, shed light on your mental strengths and weaknesses, and uncover any issues that may be affecting your mental well-being. Understanding the nature of these problems can help you determine how best to improve your overall mental health.

Ready to take the next step in your mental health journey? With SonderMind, find personalized care with a licensed therapist who gets you and specializes in what you’re going through.

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Please note: The assessments on this site are not intended to diagnose, treat, or assess any disease.

What You Need to Know About Focus


Focus is greatly impacted by other brain capacities, especially stress. Increased levels of stress not only cause us to become more irritable, but also impact our ability to complete tasks and keep interest with a subject over an extended period of time. It’s common for stress to cause people to make more mistakes in their work and sidetrack their goals.

The Total Brain Mental Health Index shows a 48% increase in mistakes made on the Focus Assessment from February 2020 to July 2021, indicating a trend of the pandemic’s effect on people’s stress — as well as their ability to focus.

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